Caritas Village Groundbreaking is a Community Event
Caritas Village is an important project for our community and we are honored to be part of it. Learn more about Caritas Village and watch the this video to learn about the project from the construction perspective.
Wright Contracting Recognized Among the Best Winery Contractors in the U.S.

Wright Contracting general contractor, proud builder of landmark North Bay wineries, is recognized among the best in winery construction.
Crane Lift at the Gordon Building in Downtown Napa

[PHOTO GALLERY] On Tuesday, April 9th, a new structural steel moment frame was installed as part of a seismic retrofit for the historic Gordon Building in Napa. The crane lift took place over a span of two days during which time fifteen of the structural steel members that will make up the new moment frame […]
Wright Contracting Celebrates 65 Years of Building in the North Bay

For 65 years Wright Contracting has had the privilege of building landmark projects throughout the North Bay. Learn more about the company’s roots and some of its most iconic projects.
The Montage Resort in Healdsburg is Taking Shape
The Montage Healdsburg is an ambitious and exciting project being developed on 258 beautiful, wooded rolling acres in northern Healdsburg. The project broke ground in the Spring of 2018 and when it is complete, it will feature: – A 130-key luxury resort (with programmatic potential of up to 175-keys) – Up to 66 residences – […]
Project Delivery Methods at Wright Contracting

Wright has experience with every type of project delivery method and contract types. Here are examples of common contract structures: Cost Plus Contracts (also known as Guaranteed Maximum Price) There are multiple variations of Cost Plus and Guaranteed Maximum Price Contracts. An advantage with this contract format is that the Owner is afforded the opportunity […]