Wright joins Friedmans to help the effort with Rebuilding Together!

Thank you to all who came out last Saturday in support of Rebuilding together and Social Advocates for Youth (SAY)! Matt Martin the director of SAY was telling me that the Coffee House helps teens in crisis off the street and reunites 90% of them with family. What a great way to give back and […]
Rack & Riddle Winery Tour
Please join the Project Team for a learning tour and discussion about this unique convertible custom crush facility located at 14100 Mountain House Road in Hopland California 95449. Tour starts at 5:00, followed by a discussion with a wine and appetizer reception. Please email Robin Stephani to RSVP. Rack and Riddle map Program qualifies for […]
Queen of the Valley Medical Center

(Napa, CA) – Wright Contracting is under construction on an approximately 72,000 square foot addition at the Queen of the Valley Medical Center. The North Acute Care Building, also called the Acute Care Pavilion, will be a new state of-the-art facility that will enhance the quality of healthcare to Napa residents. Construction of the three-story […]
Wright joins the US Green Building Council

As part of our continued support for creating a sustainable future we have become a Corporate Sponsor of the USGBC! US Green Building Council mission statement: To transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responisble, healthy and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life. We […]
Ross School Grand Opening

Grand Opening Celebration! August 23, 2010 from the CHPS website: CHPS is leading a national movement to improve student performance and the entire educational experience by building the best possible schools. CHPS Best Practices Manual CHPS has developed technical resources for schools, districts and practitioners on the design, construction, maintenance and operations of high performance […]
Santa Rosa Junior College Culinary Arts Building
Construction is well underway at the Culinary Art Center. Some of the key structural elements are built and the building shell is nearly complete. As part of an ongoing collaboration with SRJC faculty, students from the SRJC’s Project Management class came and walked the site with Superintendent Scott Thomas.
2011 Wine Symposium
2011 Wine Symposium is next week in Sacramento and we are holding down the fort near registration, booth 2407! Drop by and say hello as you come in. Here is the website for more information : 2011 General Information
Graton Fire Station

The metal shell is up, all site utilities in, and construction is progressing to the interior of the building on track for completion in August this summer.